Saturday, September 26, 2009


First off, I apologize to my 1 follower for not blogging as often. I'm sorry I let you down. On that note, here's my next blog!...and since I'm at grad school (in architecture) at UPenn, I thought it would be fun to post my work on my blog in additon to writing about the safer sights and sounds that Philadelphia has to offer (at least in the parts I'm willing to venture out into). - I'm not joking.

I would like to add that the above drawing of a Helmet I own was done on Rhino (a 3D CAD program). At PennDesign, they assume that the incoming Master of Architecture students don't all have architecture backgrounds but they definitely assume that EVERYONE is proficient in Rhino. I learnt the program on Sunday and the assignment was due on Friday.
The line weights are incomplete.
The panel on the left is supplementary to my actual studio project (the helmet was just a visual studies exercise). See pictures below.
We 're-appropriated' paper cups to create a 'surface-form'. I worked on the project with one of my new friends, Pannisa Praneeprachachon. I love her name because it makes mine look tiny.